Thursday, February 26, 2009

March Lion and Lamb Craft

This craft makes a nice memento or card for the grandparents. It is also a meaningful way to introduce the saying, "March comes in like a lion and goes out like a lamb". Talk about what lions and lambs are like, and what the poem might be saying about the weather in March.

  • construction paper
  • white or black and orange or yellow paint
  • cotton balls
  • pipe cleaners or yarn in red, yellow, and/or orange
  • glue
  • black marker
  • optional: squirt of dishwashing liquid in the paint to facilitate cleanup

Paint one hand in each color and make handprints on the paper. Turn the paper so that handprints are upside-down. When dry, put glue on the handprints, and have kids add cotton balls and pipecleaners or yarn. Add the poem and see if your kids can repeat it!

Monday, February 23, 2009

A Toddler-Friendly Take on Classic Memory

Neighborhood Memory Game by Cranium Bloom
approx. $7.99 at Target
This is a fun and creative take on traditional memory games. Like most games we play, it is rated ages 3+, but we've adapted the game play so that Nicholas can play.

The rules:
This is basically a memory game. Only instead of finding two identical pictures, the pairs are made by finding the pieces that interlock to make a picture.

Our variation:
I put all the frame pieces on one side of our play space, and all the center pieces on the other side, all face up. Then we either take turns or just Nicholas finds the matches. Like I said, there isn't much of a game component, but it entertains Nick.

  • visual discrimination
  • logic
  • concentration
  • fine motor skills
  • turn taking and memory, depending on how you play

The Good:

  • a creative take on puzzles and memory games
  • beautiful artwork
  • kids can grow into the game
  • game takes just long enough to keep a toddler's attention

The Bad:

  • nothing much, except the box has a window cut out of it that is only useful while sitting on the shelf

Saturday, February 21, 2009

Playing Games with a Two-Year-Old

Playing games is one of my favorite activities to do with Nicholas. It's a great way to interact with him in a way that's entertaining for me as well as him. As much as I love that Nick is entertained by his toys, the entertainment factor is significantly lower for me.

This morning we played three games because Nick kept wanting to play more. We only play for as long as he seems interested, because there's no point in forcing him to keep playing. I also adapt the rules to his ability, and we allow for some creative rule enforcement if it will keep the game moving. The point of playing is to do something together and learn the dynamics of game play.

Here's a link to a segment about playing games with toddlers from the early childhood show "A Place of Our Own":

In the following posts, I'm going to review a few of the games Nicholas and I enjoy playing. In the meantime, here is a quick rundown of my favorites. If you have any recommendations for good games, please write about them in the Comments section.

Let's Play Neighborhood Memory Game by Cranium Bloom
Shapes & Colors by Ravensburger
Brown Bear - Panda Bear, What Do You See? Game by University Games
Cariboo by Cranium
4 First Games by Ravensburger
Let's Play Neighborhood Sounds Bingo by Cranium Bloom

Well looking at this list it's pretty obvious what my favorite brands are. Cranium and Ravensburger are both companies that think about what toddlers are like and what their interests are when they create games. Their games also aren't too expensive. However, there are many other great game companies out there; if you know of any, please share!

Benefits of playing games together:

  • promotes language & communication skills
  • learn turn-taking
  • practice concepts
  • improves concentration
  • builds social skills
  • challenge kids
  • build confidence